Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Mariana Trench World’s deepest Place

The Mariana Trench or Marianas Trench is the deepest part of the world's oceans. It is located in the western Pacific Ocean, an average of 200 kilometres (124 mi) to the east of the Mariana Islands, in the Western Pacific East of Philippines. It is a crescent-shaped scar in the Earth's crust, and measures about 2,550 km (1,580 mi) long and 69 km (43 mi) wide on average. It reaches a maximum-known depth of 10,994 metres (36,070 ft) (± 40 metres [130 ft]) at a small slot-shaped valley in its floor known as the Challenger Deep, at its southern end,although some unrepeated measurements place the deepest portion at 11,034 metres (36,201 ft).For comparison: if Mount Everest were dropped into the trench at this point, its peak would still be over 1.6 kilometres (1 mi) underwater.


Some of the facts about Marianas Trench

  • It is amazing to note that the pressure exerted by the water column at the bottom of the trench is over thousand times greater than the standard atmospheric pressure at the sea level!
  • Owing to the very high pressure exerted by the water column above, the density of water at the Mariana Trench increases by about 5 percent, which means that 95 liters of water at the bottom of trench will have the mass equal to 100 liters of water at the surface.
  • The temperature of water at the Mariana Trench varies between 1 to 4  Degrees, meaning it is near the freezing point and its constant contact could be unbearable for the humans.
  • Though the overall length of the trench runs for about 2,550 KMS, its width is merely 69 KMS.
  • Because of the earth not being a perfect sphere, the radius at the poles is about 25 KM less than the radius at the equator. That is why the bottom of the Mariana Trench is not the closest point to the center of the earth. But on the contrary, some parts of the Arctic Ocean seabed lie closest to the earth's center.
  • According to the findings of a research, the trench is regarded as one of the world's oldest seabeds, and it is about 180 million years old.

  • 600px-Cross_section_of_mariana_trench.svg
  • The water pressure of 8 tons per square inch at the bottom of the trench means as many as 50 jumbo jets placed on the top of a person.
  • Do you really know that there are hydrothermal vents, at the floor of the trench, which emit highly acidic fluids? The temperature around these hydrothermal vents may reach as high as 300 degrees centigrade but, on the contrary, the temperature of the seabed floor does not usually go higher than 4.4 degrees centigrade.
  • The contrast between the highly acidic & hot, and the highly basic & cool environment in the trench gives rise to an ever changing and nearly toxic environment, but even then a variety of life thrives here!
  • From a mud sample, taken from the Challenger Deep, the oceanographers have discovered that as many as 200 different microorganism are living in the region. Moreover, two inch long amphipods or shrimp-like crustaceans have also been found thriving in abundance at the bottom.
  • Do you know that the Challenger Deep, the deepest point of the Mariana Trench, has been named after the two vessels, called the HMS Challenger and HMS Challenger II?
  • During a global circumnavigation in 1875, the Mariana Trench was discovered by HMS Challenger with the use of sounding equipment.
  • About 76 years after the visit of the HMS Challenger, the trench was sounded again by HMS Challenger II.
  • A 'deep boat', known as Bathyscaphe Trieste, was the first ever vessel to reach the bottom of the Challenger Deep in 1960, which was manned by a Swiss scientist Jacques Piccard and a US navy Lieutenant Don Walsh.
  • It is interesting to note that the very hot water emitted by the vents is rich in its mineral contents that help in sustaining life in this area.
  • The hot water of the vents, at times reaching 450 degrees, does not boil because of the very high pressure exerted by the water column above.
  • Do you know that the giant 10 cm single celled amoebas, called ksenofiofory, show amazing resistance to multiple elements and chemicals, such as, mercury, uranium and lead that would kill other animals as well as humans?
  • The only known underwater area where you can find liquid carbon dioxide is the Champagne Vent of the Mariana Trench that is outside the Okinawa Trough near Taiwan.
  • Discovered in 2005, the Champagne Vent was initially regarded as the source of harmless water, but closer inspection revealed that it was emitting pure carbon dioxide. Owing to the presence of bubbles, it was named as the Champagne Vent.
  • Located at the depth of about 414 meter on the way to the Mariana Trench, there is Daikoku volcano which is the source of one of the rarest phenomena on the planet. Here in the pit, called "pot", there is a lake of pure molten sulfur a seething black emulsion that is boiling at 187 degrees Celsius.
  • So surprisingly, man has explored beyond the distance of the light years into the outer space, but only 5 percent of the seabed has been explored and mapped till now the remaining still remains unexplored.
  • The bottom of the trench is covered with a blanket of icky, viscous ooze as, owing to the immense water pressure, everything getting there ends up ground up into a fine, grayish-yellow almost silky sludge.
  • Spanning over the area of 246,000 square kilometers, Mariana Trench has been designated as the US National Monument by an act signed by the US President George Walker Bush in 2009.
  • Saturday, February 17, 2018

    The World’s Oldest operating University :University of Al-Karaouine

    The University of al-Qarawiyyin, also written Al Quaraouiyine or Al-Karaouine, is a university located in Fez, Morocco. It is the oldest existing, continually operating and the first degree-awarding educational institution in the world according to UNESCO and Guinness World Records and is sometimes referred to as the oldest university.It was founded by Fatima al-Fihri in 859 with an associated madrasa, which subsequently became one of the leading spiritual and educational centers of the historic Muslim world. It was incorporated into Morocco's modern state university system in 1963.


    Education at Al Quaraouiyine University concentrates on the Islamic religious and legal sciences with a heavy emphasis on, and particular strengths in Classical Arabic grammar/linguistics and Maliki law, although a few lessons on other non-Islamic subjects such as French, English are also offered to students. Teaching is delivered in the traditional method, in which students are seated in a semi-circle (halqa) around a sheikh, who prompts them to read sections of a particular text, asks them questions on particular points of grammar, law, or interpretation, and explains difficult points. Students from all over Morocco and Islamic West Africa attend the Qarawiyyin, although a few might come from as far afield as Muslim Central Asia. Even Spanish Muslim converts frequently attend the institution, largely attracted by the fact that the sheikhs of the Qarawiyyin, and Islamic scholarship in Morocco in general, are heirs to the rich religious and scholarly heritage of Muslim al-Andalus.



    Most students at the Qarawiyyin range from between the ages of 13 and 30, and study towards high school-level diplomas and university-level bachelor's degrees, although Muslims with a sufficiently high level of Arabic are also able to attend lecture circles on an informal basis, given the traditional category of visitors "in search of [religious and legal] knowledge"  In addition to being Muslim, prospective students of the Qarawiyyin are required to have memorized the Qur'an in full as well as several other shorter medieval Islamic texts on grammar and Maliki law, and in general to have a very good command of Classical Arabic. It is a common misconception that the university is open only to men, however. It is open to both men and women




    Top 10 Most Dangerous Dive Sites in The World

    Egypt’s Blue Hole, Dahab and Sinai, Egypt

    Probably the most dangerous dive site in the world is located in Egypt. Known to most as the ‘Diver’s Cemetery’ this unbelievable attraction is known for ‘the arch’ which is a passage way to open waters, located approximately 56m below the surface. The recommended depth for any scuba diver is 30m. When a diver gets that deep, nitrogen narcosis begins to set in which can alter the diver’s judgment, rendering them unable to make fast and good decisions. Nitrogen narcosis can cause disorientation and even a loss of consciousness. Unfortunately for some, this increase of nitrogen bubbles within the blood stream can mean that the diver can miss the opening of ‘the arch’ and continue descending to their death. Approximately 150 divers have lost their lives at this location, over the past 15 years.

    Blue Hole, Lighthouse Reef, Belize

    Known as one for the bucket list, the blue sink hole is identifiable by its contrasting blue colors, showing the deepest, darkest blue alongside the lighter, shallower colors. The blue hole measures nearly 305m across and 124m down into the earth. Divers come from far and wide to experience this wonder. Descending the first 30m mostly consist of sheer walls on all sides, once you pass this, the walls turn to stalactite formations made of limestone. If you are an inexperienced diver, this sheer drop off can be extremely disorientating, causing them to descend at an even faster rate.

    The Shaft Sinkhole, Mount Gambier, Australia

    This incredible dive site is full of cave diving. The shaft sinkhole might just be the most dangerous cave dive on the planet. At the beginning of this dive, the diver must take off their equipment in order to get through a man hole which is just too small to accommodate both them and their equipment. Once their equipment is passed through to them, they can begin their dive through a series of extremely dark and dangerous caves. A low air consumption is essential for this dive as divers can get lost or simply do not save enough air for the journey back to the surface. Unfortunately, many divers have lost their lives due to this reason.

    Cenote Esqueleto, The Temple of Doom, Tulum, Mexico

    Aptly known by its nickname, ‘The Temple of Doom,’ the Cenote Esqueleto located in Mexico can be dangerous from the very onset. Once the divers have jumped in, they are advised to stay within the sunlit areas as it can get extremely dark in places. The combination of dark passageways and intricate tunnels, can cause divers to become disorientated and lost. Getting lost is the main reason for many of the deaths at this dive site. Divers lose their way and run out of air, rendering them helpless.

    Coco’s Island, Costa Rica

    Coco’s island is one of the most remote dive sites in the world. Located approximately 340 miles off the Pacific Coast of the country, it usually takes over 35 hours to reach this prime location by boat. However, what makes this destination even more dangerous is the sheer amount of sharks found in the waters around this dive site. The usual marine life found in this area includes; white top reef sharks, giant manta rays, hammerhead sharks, dolphins and sea turtles.

    Samaesan Hole, Samaesan Bay, Thailand

    This incredible hole penetrates deep into the earth at around 85m deep. With its incredibly strong currents, if you are not well prepared for this dive, then it can take some divers severely off course. In addition to these strong currents, a surprising site are the unexploded bombs. The Samaesian hole is a former military dumping ground, providing a unique but dangerous experience for any diver.

    Jacob’s Well, Wimberley Texas

    Jacob’s Well is located in the south west of Austin Texas and merely seems like an average swimming hole. However, once you get below the surface, a whole different world opens up. Jacob’s Well consists of chambers of caves, the first two a suitable for most divers however, once you approach the third chamber, the dive begins to get a little harder. Not only does this chamber consists of winding narrow pathways, the cave is full of gravel and silt, which can be detrimental to the diver. Once these small particles get disturbed, it can become very difficult to see causing divers to become disorientated, panic and therefore use up their air at a much faster rate than usual. Over 8 people have tragically lost their lives in these dark and dangerous chambers.

    Eagle’s Nest Sinkhole, Weeki Wachee, Florida


    Located in the western area of Weeki Wachee, this dangerous dive site is around 315m deep which can make it hard for even the most skilled of divers. The deeper you go, the more likely nitrogen narcosis will set in causing disorientating. Once the diver becomes disorientated, this can prevent them from checking their depth gauge as well as their air consumption, meaning that they could run out of air and not surface in time. This location has claimed the lives of many divers, who enjoy pushing the limits.

    German U Boat, New Jersey

    This incredible world war II relic, discovered in 1991, is located approximately 73m below the surface, which is reaching extremely dangerous depths for any diver. 3 members of the dive group who discovered the U-869 tragically died whilst returning to the site soon after it was found. The mixture of the cold water and the dangerously strong currents can prove perilous for most divers out there.

    Devil’s Caves, Ginnie Springs Florida

    The Devil’s Caves is a popular dive site for many and is located approximately 35 miles off the northwest of Gainsville, Florida. The temperature at this incredible cave dive site is warm all year round. The Devils caves consist of a network of caves systems named, ‘Little Devil’, ‘Devil’s Eye’ and ‘Devil’s Ear’. These caves happen to be the most dangerous sites in the whole springs. At the opening of the ‘Devil’s Ear’ you find a vortex which is certain to move your equipment around.

    Sunday, February 11, 2018

    Epic Rainbow Mountains of the World

    Vinicunca Mountain, Peru
    Vinicunca, also called Montaña de Siete Colores, Montaña de Colores or Rainbow Mountain is a mountain in Peru with an altitude of 5,200 meters above sea level. It is located in the Andes of Peru, in the Cusco Region.


    It is one of the places that still has not been discovered by travelers. Rainbow Mountains represents one of the most spectacular places of the Cordillera Vilcanota as it keeps a natural colour given by the presence of sedimentary eroding rocks. The rocks are impressive for its colourfulness since they are formed by seven colors. That's why, the mountain is known under the name of "Cerro Colorado" too.


    The journey will take you at least 1 day to complete. A high altitude adventure that will keep you begging for oxygen as you will strut above a constant altitude of 14,000 feet. You will pass thousands of roaming alpacas and llamas. You will walk through beautifully diverse landscapes varying from snow-capped peaks through neon red desert mountains to marshy pampas. The real reward however will be your arrival to those painted-like hills hidden deep in the Andes. Resembling a rainbow, the mountains will require an extremaly good sight to find a route along

    Vermilion Cliffs, Arizona, USA

    The Vermilion Cliffs are the second "step" up in the five-step Grand Staircase of the Colorado Plateau, in northern Arizona and southern Utah. They extend west from near Page, Arizona, for a considerable distance, in both Arizona and Utah.


    112,500 acres (45,500 ha) of the region were designated as the Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness in 1984. An even greater area was protected within Vermilion Cliffs National Monument in 2000.The Vermillion Cliffs were on an important route from Utah to Arizona used by settlers during the 19th Century. The area was explored by the Mormon pioneer and missionary Jacob Hamblin, who started a ranch at the base of the cliffs in House Rock Valley. Present day U.S. Highway 89A basically follows the old wagon route past the cliffs through House Rock Valley and up the Kaibab Plateau to Jacob Lake.


    Famous locations in the cliff area include Lee's Ferry, Glen Canyon and the Glen Canyon National Recreational Area, The Wave, Coyote Buttes, and others.

    Zhangye National Geopark, Gansu, China

    The Zhangye National Geopark is located in Sunan and Linze counties within the prefecture-level city of Zhangye, in Gansu, China. It covers an area of 322 square kilometres (124 sq mi). The site became a quasi-national geopark on April 23, 2012. It was formally designated as "Zhangye National Geopark" by the Ministry of Land and Resources on June 16, 2016 after it has passed the on-site acceptance test. Known for its colorful rock formations, it has been voted by Chinese media outlets as one of the most beautiful landforms in China.

    Landmannalaugar Mountain, Iceland

    Landmannalaugar is a place in the Fjallabak Nature Reserve in the Highlands of Iceland. It is at the edge of Laugahraun lava field, which was formed in an eruption around the year 1477. It is known for its natural geothermal hot springs and surrounding landscape.


    Landmannalaugar is the northern end of the Laugavegur hiking trail. The Iceland Touring Association operates a mountain hut with sleeping bag accommodation for 75 people and a public toilet with showers. During the tourist high season there is also a small shop there that sells coffee and basic groceries, a horse tour agency. ICE-SAR highland patrol in Fjallabak operates from here. Several bus companies have regular trips to and from Landmannalaugar during the tourist season.

    Ladies Only Resort -The SuperShe Island Finland

    SuperShe Island, a women-only island resort off the coast of Finland which is 8.4-acre patch of land.


    SuperShe Island is the brainchild of American entrepreneur Kristina Roth, who decided to invest in a women-only resort after realizing that being around men was distracting to other women. While vacationing at the Ashram in Calabasas, Calif., and the nearby Ranch Malibu, Roth noticed that women would focus more on the men than themselves, so she started contemplating the idea of a women-only resort where visitors could relax without any male distractions.Roth made it clear that she enjoyed her mixed gender vacations and has nothing against men, but she just felt that there was a need for a “no men allowed” resort where women could relax and refill their batteries without getting distracted.


    SuperShe Island will house ten guest cabins, a spa, and various adventure activities. There will be daily cooking and fitness courses available, along with yoga and meditation classes, but Roth plans to add whatever other activities women find appealing.According to a recent SuperShe press-release, “women need to spend time with other women. Being on vacation with men can be draining and demanding. We want SuperShe Island to be rejuvenating and a safe space where women can go to reinvent themselves and their desires. A place where you can recalibrate with no distractions.”


    "Our goal is to create a utopia where women can come together to care for themselves through fitness, nutrition, creativity nurturing and more," Roth said. "The opening of our Finnish island will help us create a physical space that is open throughout the year for ladies to recharge." We’ll see how the public reacts when SuperShe Island opens in July 2018.

    SuperShe Resort Link

    Thursday, February 8, 2018

    History of Kohinoor Diamond

    The Kohinoor diamond was mined at the Rayalaseema diamond mine in the Kollur mine in Golconda, India during the rule of the Kakatiya dynasty. It was taken away from a King of Malwa in 1306 whose family possessed it for generations.
    Babur, the Turco-Mongol founder of the Mughal Empire, wrote about a "famous" diamond that weighed just over 187 old carats – approximately the size of the 186-carat Koh-i-Noor.Some historians think Babur's diamond is the earliest reliable reference to the Koh-i-Noor. According to his diary, it was acquired by Alauddin Khalji, second ruler of the Khalji dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate, when he invaded the kingdoms of southern India at the beginning of the 14th century. It later passed to succeeding dynasties of the Sultanate, and Babur received the diamond in 1526 as a tribute for his conquest of Delhi and Agra at the Battle of Panipat.
    Shah Jahan, the fifth Mughal emperor, had the stone placed into his ornate Peacock Throne. In 1658, his son and successor, Aurangzeb, confined the ailing emperor to Agra Fort. While in the possession of Aurangzeb, it was allegedly cut by Hortenso Borgia, a Venetian lapidary, reducing the weight of the large stone to 186 carats (37.2 g). For this carelessness, Borgia was reprimanded and fined 10,000 rupees According to recent research the story of Borgia cutting the diamond is not correct, and most probably mixed up with the Orlov, part of Catherine the Great's imperial Russian sceptre in the Kremlin.
    One of Ranjit Singh's favourite horses with the head of his stables. His jewels are shown, to scale, including the Koh-i-Noor
    Following the 1739 invasion of Delhi by Nader Shah, the Afsharid Shah of Persia, the treasury of the Mughal Empire was looted by his army in an organised and thorough acquisition of the Mughal nobility's wealth. Along with millions of rupees and an assortment of historic jewels, the Shah also carried away the Koh-i-Noor. He exclaimed Koh-i-Noor!, Persian for "Mountain of Light", when he obtained the famous stone. One of his consorts said, "If a strong man were to throw four stones – one north, one south, one east, one west, and a fifth stone up into the air – and if the space between them were to be filled with gold, all would not equal the value of the Koh-i-Noor".
    After Nader Shah was killed and his empire collapsed in 1747, the Koh-i-Noor fell to his grandson, who in 1751 gave it to Ahmad Shah Durrani, founder of the Afghan Empire, in return for his support. One of Ahmed's descendants, Shuja Shah Durrani, wore a bracelet containing the Koh-i-Noor on the occasion of Mountstuart Elphinstone's visit to Peshawar in 1808. A year later, Shujah formed an alliance with the United Kingdom to help defend against a possible invasion of Afghanistan by Russia. He was quickly overthrown, but fled with the diamond to Lahore, where Ranjit Singh, founder of the Sikh Empire, in return for his hospitality, insisted upon the gem being given to him, and he took possession of it in 1813.
    Acquisition by Queen Victoria
    Its new owner, Ranjit Singh, willed the diamond to the East India Company administered Hindu Jagannath Temple in Puri, in modern-day Odisha, India. However, after his death in 1839, his will was not executed. On 29 March 1849, following the conclusion of the Second Anglo-Sikh War, the Kingdom of Punjab was formally annexed to Company rule, and the Last Treaty of Lahore was signed, officially ceding the Koh-i-Noor to Queen Victoria and the Maharaja's other assets to the company. Article III of the treaty read: "The gem called the Koh-i-Noor, which was taken from Shah Sooja-ool-moolk by Maharajah Ranjeet Singh, shall be surrendered by the Maharajah of Lahore to the Queen of England (sic)".
    The Governor-General in charge of the ratification of this treaty was the Marquess of Dalhousie. The manner of his aiding in the transfer of the diamond was criticized even by some of his contemporaries in Britain. Although some thought it should have been presented as a gift to Queen Victoria by the East India Company, it is clear that Dalhousie believed the stone was a spoil of war, and treated it accordingly, ensuring that it was officially surrendered to her by Duleep Singh, the youngest son of Ranjit Singh.The presentation of the Koh-i-Noor by the East India Company to the queen was the latest in a long history of transfers of the diamond as a coveted spoil of war. Duleep Singh had been placed in the guardianship of Dr John Login, a surgeon in the British Army serving in the Presidency of Bengal. Duleep Singh would move to England in 1854.
    In due course, the Governor-General received the Koh-i-Noor from Dr Login, who had been appointed Governor of the Citadel, on 6 April 1848 under a receipt dated 7 December 1849, in the presence of members of the Board of Administration for the affairs of the Punjab: Sir Henry Lawrence (President), C. G. Mansel, John Lawrence and Sir Henry Elliot (Secretary to the Government of India).
    Legend in the Lawrence family has it that before the voyage, John Lawrence left the jewel in his waistcoat pocket when it was sent to be laundered, and was most grateful when it was returned promptly by the valet who found it.
    On 1 February 1850, the jewel was sealed in a small iron safe inside a red dispatch box, both sealed with red tape and a wax seal and kept in a chest at Bombay Treasury awaiting a steamer ship from China. It was then sent to England for presentation to Queen Victoria in the care of Captain J. Ramsay and Brevet Lt. Col F. Mackeson under tight security arrangements, one of which was the placement of the dispatch box in a larger iron safe. They departed from Bombay on 6 April on board HMS Medea, captained by Captain Lockyer.
    The Koh-i-Noor was formally presented to Queen Victoria on 3 July 1850 at Buckingham Palace by the deputy chairman of the East India Company.[32] The date had been chosen to coincide with the Company's 250th anniversary.

    Members of the public were given a chance to see the Koh-i-Noor when The Great Exhibition was staged at Hyde Park, London, in 1851. It represented the might of the British Empire and took pride of place in the eastern part of the central gallery.
    Originally, the diamond had 169 facets and was 4.1 centimetres (1.6 in) long, 3.26 centimetres (1.28 in) wide, and 1.62 centimetres (0.64 in) deep. It was high-domed, with a flat base and both triangular and rectangular facets, similar in overall appearance to other Mughal era diamonds which are now in the Iranian Crown Jewels.
    Disappointment in the appearance of the stone was not uncommon. After consulting various mineralogists, including Sir David Brewster, it was decided by Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria, with the consent of the government, to polish the Koh-i-Noor. One of the largest and most famous Dutch diamond merchants, Mozes Coster, was employed for the task. He sent to London one of his most experienced artisans, Levie Benjamin Voorzanger, and his assistants.
    The 1852 re-cutting
    On 17 July 1852, the cutting began at the factory of Garrard & Co. in Haymarket, using a steam-powered mill built specially for the job by Maudslay, Sons and Field. Under the supervision of Prince Albert and the Duke of Wellington, and the technical direction of the queen's mineralogist, James Tennant, the cutting took thirty-eight days. Albert spent a total of £8,000 on the operation, which reduced the weight of the diamond from 186 old carats (191 modern carats or 38.2 g) to its current 105.6 carats (21.12 g). The stone measures 3.6 cm (1.4 in) long, 3.2 cm (1.3 in) wide, and 1.3 cm (0.5 in) deep. Brilliant-cut diamonds usually have fifty-eight facets, but the Koh-i-Noor has eight additional "star" facets around the culet, making a total of sixty-six facets.
    After Queen Victoria's death, the Koh-i-Noor was set in the Crown of Queen Alexandra, the wife of Edward VII, that was used to crown her at their coronation in 1902. The diamond was transferred to Queen Mary's Crown in 1911, and finally to The Queen Mother's Crown in 1937. When The Queen Mother died in 2002, it was placed on top of her coffin for the lying-in-state and funeral.
    All these crowns are on display in the Jewel House at the Tower of London with crystal replicas of the diamond set in the older crowns. The original bracelet given to Queen Victoria can also be seen there. A glass model of the Koh-i-Noor shows visitors how it looked when it was brought to the United Kingdom. Replicas of the diamond in this and its re-cut forms can also be seen in the 'Vault' exhibit at the Natural History Museum in London.

    The Town Living Under One Roof–Whittier ,Alaska

    Whittier is a city at the head of the Passage Canal in the U.S. state of Alaska, about 58 miles southeast of Anchorage.The city is within the Valdez–Cordova Census Area. The 2015 population estimate was 214 people, almost all of whom live in a single building. Whittier is also a port for the Alaska Marine Highway.But the strangest thing about this town is that nearly all of its residents live in the same building, Begich Towers, a Cold War-era army barracks built in 1974.


    But why do the stay in a single building?
    Whittier is the wettest city in the United States, receiving an average of 197.8 inches of rainfall each year. The city also averages 249 inches of snow each winter.This harsh weather makes everyone in the town to live in one building.


    The 14-story Begich Towers apartment building which includes a post office, a general store, hospital, the Whittier Police Department, and the mayor’s office. There is also a church, a grocery, laundry, a small hotel, conference room, and a play area with an indoor pool within the complex.

    What happened to the Maharaj Shivaji’s Swords

    Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was the great warrior of 17th century, born in India. He started his mission to form a Hindu kingdom (hindavi swarajya) in his early childhood, at the age of fifteen. In his life he captured & built about 350 hill forts & coastal forts. He also formed a strong navy to protect costal region of western India. Today he is called as the father of Indian navy.


    He brought revolution in traditional Maratha weapons. This development was the only thing, which took Marathas to the victory

    Shivaji Maharaj did not use just a single sword during his career. He had 3 swords namely- 1) Bhawani 2) Tulja 3) Jagdamba.

    Let’s hear out the story of each sword.

    1. BHAWANI

    The year was 1659. A port named Banda near the Konkan coast had a Portuguese ship stuck on it due to shallow waters. A resident of that region and a soldier of Shivaji Maharaj by the name Ambaji Sawant raided that Portuguese ship and found in it an impeccable, stone studded European sword.

    During that period Shivaji Maharaj was on a tour of the Konkan region. He visited the Saptakoteshwar temple in the region and there Ambaji’s son Krushnaji Sawant met Shivaji Maharaj. Overwhelmed by the presence of such a great leader and the king of kings, Krushnaji gifted the sword acquired by his father to Shivaji Maharaj on 7th March, 1659. Shivaji Maharaj, seeing the sword was certainly impressed and loved it immediately. He asked Krushnaji for its price, as a king was not supposed to accept free presents from his people. Krushnaji denied taking the money, but as Shivaji Maharaj insisted, he accepted 300 hun (as of today, 1 hun~ Rs. 2,40,000). Later Shivaji Maharaj named this sword as Bhawani.

    Bhawani sword’s today’s minimum market price would be 300 hun i.e Rs. 7.2 crores.

    It’s today’s location is unknown.

    2. TULJA

    The year was 1662. Shivaji Maharaj’s father Shahajiraje was on a tour of the Pune region. Citing the immense progress his son had been able to achieve as a Maratha king, he decided to gift him a sword. This sword was gifted to Shivaji Maharaj by Shahajiraje at Jejuri. This sword was named as Tulja.

    It’s today’s location is unknown.


    Being impressed by the light weighing, swift, long and straight sword of Bhawani, Shivaji Maharaj decided to enable his soldiers with the same types of swords. So, he placed an international tender and asked the British, Dutch, Portuguese, French and the other European powers to accept the order. Almost every European power was well acquainted with the greatness of Shivaji Maharaj as a leader and saw in him a threat to their colonial ambitions. Hence, they denied to accept the order. But there was one European nation located in between France and Portugal, then not very strong economically as compared to its neighbours accepted the order. It was Spain.


    The head of Spain accepted the order and thousands of European blades started to embark for India. Being overwhelmed by the vastness of the order and for trusting such a small country in the presence of strong European powers, the head of Spain gifted a brilliant, stone studded, exemplary and a stainless sword to Shivaji Maharaj. This was the Jagdamba sword.

    In 1875, the British tactfully got hold of this sword from a descendent of Shivaji Maharaj and took it to England.

    It’s today’s location is Royal Museum, London.

    Sunday, February 4, 2018

    Lost Treasure of Middle Age India - Peacock Throne

    The Peacock Throne was a famous jeweled throne that was the seat of the Mughal emperors of India. It was commissioned in the early 17th century by emperor Shah Jahan and was located in the Diwan-i-Khas (Hall of Private Audiences) in the Red Fort of Delhi.


    How did it look

    The descriptions of Lahori, from before 1648, and Tavernier's, published in 1676, are generally in broad agreement on the most important features of the thrones, such as its rectangular shape, standing on four legs at its corners, the 12 columns on which the canopy rests, and the type of gemstones embedded on the throne, such as balas rubies, emeralds, pearls, diamonds, and other coloured stones. There are however some significant differences between the two descriptions:

        Tavernier was allowed to closely inspect the throne and its jewels and wrote the most well known detailed description to date.

        In his account, Tavernier gave details of the design in which the balas rubies, emeralds, diamonds, and pearls were arranged on the four horizontal bars connecting the four vertical legs, from which the 12 vertical columns, supporting the canopy, arose. In the middle of each bar, a large cabochon-cut balas ruby was placed, surrounded by four emeralds forming a square cross. Smaller such square crosses were situated on either side of the central large cross, along the length of the bar, but arranged in such a way that while in one square cross a balas ruby occupied the center, surrounded by four emeralds, in the next square cross, an emerald was surrounded by four balas rubies. The emeralds were table-cut and the intervals between the emerald-and-ruby crosses, were covered with diamonds, also table-cut and not exceeding 10 to 12 carats in weight.
         There were three cushions or pillows upon the throne. The one placed behind the emperor's back was large and round; the other two, placed at his sides, were flat. The cushions were also studded with gems. Tavernier mentioned some royal standards and weapons that were suspended from the throne, such as a mace, a sword and a round shield, and a bow and quiver with arrows, all studded with gemstones.

         He counted the number of large balas rubies and emeralds on the throne. Accordingly, there were 108 large balas rubies on the throne, all cabochon-cut, the smallest weighing around 100 carats and the largest over 200 carats in weight. He counted 116 large emeralds on the throne, all of excellent colour, but with many flaws (a characteristic feature of emeralds), the smallest weighing around 30 carats and the largest around 60 carats.The underside of the canopy was covered with diamonds and pearls, with a fringe of pearls all round.
         On the side of the throne facing the court was suspended a diamond of 80 to 90 carats in weight, with rubies and emeralds surrounding it. When the Emperor was seated on the throne, this suspended arrangement of jewels was in full view in front of him.Tavernier then wrote about two large gem-studded royal umbrellas, which were not part of the throne, but were placed on either side of the throne, at a distance of 4 feet from it. The central stems of these umbrellas, 7 to 8 feet long, were covered with diamonds, rubies, and pearls. The cloth of the umbrella was made of red velvet, and embroidered and fringed all round with pearls. The height of these umbrellas might give an indication as to the height of the throne, which was probably of the same height. Thus, the height of the throne would have been around 7 to 10 feet.

        What was the last know place of the throne

         After Nader Shah looted the original, another throne was made for the Mughal emperor. Along with the Peacock Throne, Nader had also taken the fabulous Koh-i Noor and Darya-i Noor diamonds to Persia, where some became part of the Persian crown jewels, and others were sold to the Ottomans. The plunder taken by Nader was so great that he stopped taxation for 3 years. The bottom half of the Peacock Throne might have been converted into the Sun Throne also a part of the Persian crown jewels. Various 19th-century Indian paintings of this later throne exist. It was located in the Diwan-i-Khas and might have been smaller in size than the original. However, the appearance would have been similar, based on either the original plans or from memory and eye-witness accounts. The replacement throne was made out of gold, or was gilded, and was studded with precious and semi-precious stones. Just like the original, it featured 12 columns. The columns carried a Bengali do-chala roof, which was graced with two peacock statues on the two ends, carrying pearl necklaces in their beaks, and two peacocks at the top, also carrying pearl necklaces in their beaks. The two lower peacocks were in the center underneath a flower bouquet made out of jewels, or under a royal umbrella. This throne was protected by a canopy made out of precious and colorful textiles, and gold and silver threads. The canopy was carried by four slender columns or beams made out of metal. Underneath the throne, colorful and precious carpets were laid out

    Tuesday, January 30, 2018

    How to convert old laptop to Chromebook

    Tired of your old laptops or having old laptops that are way to slow and not getting good price to seller. Well! I've a better options for you .How about re-using you old laptop(Technically, Most of the laptop) by converting it to chromebook.


    A few heads-up before you install

    This won’t work on all computers. While CloudReady should work on most Windows and Mac laptops and desktops made since 2007, it’s impossible to guarantee it will work on everything. You can check out a list of tested hardware, as well as basic system requirements here. Chromium OS is generally designed to run on light hardware, so even if you have an old machine with dull specs, this may breathe new life into older hardware.

    This will wipe your system. At the moment, there is no way to dual-boot CloudReady’s Chromium OS with another operating system, like Windows. Make sure you’re installing this on a device that you can fully erase. Don’t install this on your primary machine. Be sure to back up any data you want to keep before continuing.
    This isn’t perfect Chrome OS. While Chromium OS is mostly identical to Chrome OS, there are still a couple key differences. Most importantly, you won’t get regular, automatic updates or any official support. It also doesn’t come with Flash built in, but CloudReady will give you instructions on how to install it manually the first time you boot.


    Things you needed before you start off

    1.Old Laptop

    2.An 8GB or 16GB USB stick: Yes, only those two. According to CloudReady, any size larger or smaller than this could cause problems.
    3.The CloudReady .bin file: You’ll need to download CloudReady before you begin. You can find the free application here. Click “Download CloudReady” at the top of the screen and save it to your computer.
    4.Chromebook Recovery Utility: This tool allows you to create a USB install stick using the CloudReady software. You can find it here and install it on any computer.


    To create the USB installation stick, follow these steps:

        1.Launch the Chromebook Recovery Utility.
         2.Click the Settings gear icon in the top-right corner of the app once it opens.
         3.Select “Use local image.”
         4.Choose the CloudReady .bin file you downloaded from Neverware.
         5.Insert the USB stick into your computer.
         6.Select your USB stick on the left side of the Chrome Recovery Utility app screen.


    Monday, January 29, 2018

    How to shred all you phone data effectively

    Since we are in the age of electronics where  every single day a new mobile is getting released.Many a times we are so tempted on the new features the gadget support and we need to buy them.Some of them sell the phone in exchange , some tend to sell it to outsider and Others try it have for them.This article intends on focusing people who choose to exchange or sell it to outsider.How to prevent your data been misused.


    The solution is very simple.

    1.Remove your memory card


    On the Home screen, tap Apps → Settings → Storage → Unmount SD card. To remove the memory card, follow these steps: Step 1: Insert the ejection pin into the hole on the memory card tray to loosen the tray. Step 2: Pull out the memory card tray gently from the memory card tray slot.

    2.Factory Reset Your Phone.


    Nexus 6P
    1.Tap the Settings icon from your home screen or app drawer.
    2.Swipe up to scroll down to the bottom of the settings menu.
    3.Tap Backup & reset.
    4.Tap Factory data reset.
    5.Tap Reset phone.
    6.Tap Erase everything

    Samsung Galaxy S7
    1.Tap the Settings icon from your home screen or app drawer
    2.Swipe up to scroll down to the bottom of the settings menu.
    3.Tap Backup and reset.
    4.Swipe up to scroll down
    5.Tap Factory data reset.
    6.Tap Reset phone.
    7.Tap Erase everything.

    Xiaomi Phones
    1.Turn your phone on and unlock it.
    2.Go to the Settings app.
    3.Head to Backup & reset.
    4.Tap on Factory data reset.
    5.Select Reset device.
    6.Tap on Erase everything.
    7.Confirm by pressing OK.

    Sunday, January 28, 2018

    How to mine Crypto currency Using a Mobile phone

    If you cannot afford a high hardware price to start mining , you can always start mining with something which is less expensive like your old Android mobile phone which you hand thrown away for sometime.However they may not be generating much of revenue ,but its always to good to get something from nothing isn't it.It would be really good if you had 2 or more old android phones to start with.


    CPU mining is an exclusive for Cryptonote algorithm because it does not use ASIC computers and in some cases it does not use GPU, so mining is easier and you can do it on any PC, Mac, Linux, Android Tablet or Android Smartphone.

    To do this you need to install the app from the following link on Google Play here.Before that you need to sign up In MinerGate


    The app is designed to choose three mining difficulties that range from the lowest to the highest and this implies more or less energy consumption. The app can be used on any Android device.

    The Highlight Features

        1.You can mine from your mobile device.
         2.Check connected devices and balances.
         3.Chat with other miners at MinerGate in your language.
         4.Connect to your MinerGate account.
         5.Withdraw coins from your account.
         6.Check cryptocurrencies prices
         7.Buy and control your Cloud Mining contracts.
    For test run, I ran this app with my Old Moto G3 Mobile phone and was able to get a hash rate of 12-15 H/s.With my latest One plus 5T I was able to run upto 20-28 H/s.But what I also saw that the battery started to drain faster because of the CPU Utilization.So I suggest you the connect a Charger if you are planning to run non-stop.

    Here are the options available:

        log in to your MinerGate account
         choose the currency to mine by clicking on the coin’s name
         start mining

    We can have it installed and monitor the activity for the mining operations doing in other PC or mobile or Tablets through one account in your mobile phone.

    The community is so large that you can find chat rooms for every language you need. It has supports from Spanish, English, Russian, Italian and more.

    MinerGate app has a calculator that can help you to get an idea of how much H/s you need to see the reward in each of the coins you want. As well as the current prices of each of the currencies graphically. This is a necessary tool to evaluate the competitiveness of each currency.One of the advantages of the app, that many of the community of miners in the world like is the reward by recommendation program.

    The mechanic of this program is if you share a link with your family or friends and they register through that link you can receive rewards.

    The tool that I liked the most is the status bar of unconfirmed, it is a graphical way to know your goals in the short term, so you can focus more on one currency versus another currency that needs more time to undermine it. This bar is only available in the app. The desktop version only shows “pending to confirm” number.

    It´s an effective way to control and monitor your miners remotely, either using the MinerGate platform or other console mining platforms like CPUMiner-Multi, Yam miner, ccminer-cryptonight.

    Last but not least is the support of languages available in English, Portuguese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Indian and Russian. Everything including menus in the language you need.

    “The future is now and you are living the birth of a new monetary system based on technology. Discover it!”

    Hardware and Software guide for Cryptocurrency Mining

    What is cryptocurrency mining?

    People who are running software and hardware aimed at confirming transactions to the digital ledger are cryptocurrency miners. Solving cryptographic puzzles (via software) to add transactions to the ledger (the block chain) in the hope of getting coins as a reward is cryptocurrency mining.


    How do I start mining Cryptocurrency?
    Well its quite simple, you need to have the following things for you to start mining

    NOTE:Mining Bitcoin/Ethereum is way to expensive since the difficulty is way more than it used to be few years back, I would suggest other ALT-Coins like Monero,Litecoin,Z-cash etc.

    Which may vary from a normal PC to Mining RIG(Purely depends on what and how you would want to start).We can start mining with normal PC with a simple CPU and if possible GPU(If you want earn something) or if you able to afford to build a Rig , which would simply mean investing from 200$ to maybe 5000$ you can build a rig.But the more you invest the more you have the chances to get back the money you invested sooner.

    If in case you are up for building Rig these are my suggestion

    Best CPU for CPU Mining
    Intel based
    1.Intel Pentium G4400 Skylake Dual-Core 3.3GHz Desktop Processor

    2.Intel G3900 Dual Core - LGA1151 - 51watt Low TDP Processor

    3.Intel Core i3-6100 6th Gen LGA 1151 Processor

    AMD Based

    4.AMD Ryzen 5 1600


    6.AMD Ryzen 7 1800X Processor

    Best GPU for Mining

    I've listed out some of the Best GPU for Mining, there may be many more models


    1.ASUS ROG Strix Radeon RX 560 4GB

    2.Sapphire Radeon R5 230 Graphic card 1GB DDR3

    3.Gigabyte AMD Radeon R7 240 2GB DDR3

    4.ASUS Radeon RX 560 4GB GDDR5

    5.Sapphire Radeon RX 460 4GB

    6. Radeon NITRO+ RX 570 4GB

    7.RX VEGA 56 8G – Latest and Best


    1.Zotac GT 710 2GB DDR3

    2.MSI GeForce GTX 1050 2GT

    3.Gigabyte Geforce GTX 1050 Ti G1 Gaming 4G

    4.ZOTAC GeForce GTX 1050 Ti mini, 4GB GDDR5

    5.Zotac Amp Edition GeForce GTX 1060 6GB

    6.ASUS Geforce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB Phoenix Fan Edition

    7.ZOTAC GeForce GTX 1070 ZT-P10700B-10P 8GB DDR3

    Best Mother boards for mining

    1.GIGABYTE GA-H110-D3A

    2.ASUS LGA1151 DDR4 HDMI B250

    3.ASRock H81 PRO BTC R2.0 LGA 1150

    What should be my power supply for mining rig ?
    You can use any Power supply unit ranging from 450 Watt to 1200 Watt, The more power supply more number of GPU you can support

    1.Corsair VS450 450-Watt Power Supply

    2.Corsair RM Series RM550 550W

    3.Corsair VS Series VS650 650 Watt

    4.Corsair RMx Series RM750x 750W

    5. CORSAIR RMx RM1000X 1000W

    6.CORSAIR HX Series™ HX1200-1200 Watt

    ASIC Mining using Ant Miner
    All of the below listed are the only hardware that you may get back your money back.
    1.S9 AntMiner-Bitcoin Miner(BTC)
    2.DragonMint 16T(BTC)
    3.T9 Antminer(BTC)
    4.AntMiner R3 (BTC)
    5.ANtMiner U3(BTC)
    6.D3 AntMiner -DASH coin Miner

    If you are  looking for Mining Combo then the below pick for starters

    1.Entry Level Mining Combo - Asrock H81 Pro BTC Mining Board + G1840 Processor + 8GB DDR3 Memory + 64GB SSD + Pack of Six Riser Cables

    Softwares used for Mining

    Mining Pool
    1.Single Mining -Command prompt (Nanopool is my personal Favourite )

    2.GUI based -

    1.Nice hash

    Wallets for Investing as well as receiving CryptoCurrency
    International users
    1.Coinbase - You would free 10$ once you join. 

    Indian user
    2.Zebay - You would get free 100 Rs once you sign Up.
    3.Koinex - You would get free 100 Rs once you sign Up.

    Only for Deposit and wallet

    Apart from this we do have Other Pools also , but make sure which  one would be better before you join Other Pools Details

    If you Like this Article,Please share ,comment and subscribe to this page.

    We accept donations:




    Saturday, January 27, 2018

    La Tomatina :The Tomato Festival


    Where is La Tomatina held?

    La Tomatina tomato fight festival, Buñol, Spain. La Tomatina is a food fight festival held on the last Wednesday of August each year in the town of Buñol in the Valencia region of Spain. Tens of metric tons of over-ripe tomatoes are thrown in the streets in exactly one hour.


    When is La Tomatina Celebrated in Spain?

    La Tomatina is celebrated on the last Wednesday in August in the small town of Bunol in eastern Spain. This year the festival takes place on August 27th, 2014. The festival began way back in 1944 but there is no known religious or political basis for it.


    What is the History of La Tomatina Festival?

    La Tomatina started on the last Wednesday of August in 1945 (29th August 1945) when some young people went to the town square to attend the Giants and Big-Head figures parade. They decided to join the parade with a musician. The group's excitement caused a person to fall from the float. The participant flew into a fit of rage and started to hit everything in his path. There was a market stall of vegetables that fell victim to what soon became a furious crowd. People started to pelt each other with tomatoes until local law enforcement ended the battle.


    The following year the young people deliberately repeated the fight on the last Wednesday of August, only this time they brought their own tomatoes from home. They were again dispersed by the police. The food fight became an annual event. In 1950, the town allowed the tomato hurl to take place, but the next year it was stopped again. Many young people were imprisoned but Buñol residents forced authorities to let them go. The festival gained popularity with more and more participants every year. In subsequent years it was banned again with threats of serious penalties. In the year 1957, some young people celebrated "the tomato's funeral", with singers, musicians, and comedies. The main attraction however, was a big tomato in a coffin carried around while a band played funeral marches. In 1957, demand for the popular festival led to its becoming official, with certain rules and restrictions. These rules have gone through many modifications over the years.


    Another important landmark in the history of this festival is the year 1975. From this year on wards, "Los Clavarios de San Luis Bertrán" (San Luis Bertrán is the patron of the town of Buñol) organized the whole festival and brought in the tomatoes, which had previously been brought by the local people. Soon after this, in 1980, the town council took over responsibility for organizing the festival.


    Since then, the number of participants has increased year after year as well as the excitement about La Tomatina Festival. In 2002, in the month of August La Tomatina of Buñol was declared a Festivity of International Tourist Interest by the Secretary Department of Tourism due to its success. In 2013, town officials introduced an entry fee and limited the number of participants, citing concerns over safety.

    The city council follows a short list of instructions for the safety of the participants and the festival:

    1. The tomatoes have to be squashed before throwing to avoid injuries.
    2. No other projectiles except tomatoes are allowed.
    3. Participants have to make way for trucks and lorries.
    4. After the second shot indicative of ending the tomato hurl, no tomatoes should be thrown.