Nostradamus Predictions
Michel de Nostredame (aka Nostradamus) was a 16th-century French "seer." We don't have many seers these days.Nostradamus studied astrology and various "occult" sciences and used those to predict the future.
He's best known for The Prophecies, a collection of French quatrains published in 1555. So are these prophecies worthy predictions of the future or merely vague observations retrofitted to match past events?
Here is a list of some of the most famous:
French Revolution
"From the enslaved populace, songs,
Chants and demands
While princes and lords are held captive in prisons.
These will in the future by headless idiots
Be received as divine prayers"
You remember the French Revolution, right?
The peasants ("the enslaved populace") rising to power, the aristocracy taken down and beheaded (the "headless idiots," now "princes and lords ... held captive in prisons"). In another verse, the "great wall" falling is said to mean the storming of the Bastille.
It's a bit of a stretch, right? It's possible that Nostradamus saw the coming of a peasant uprising through completely non-astrological or occult means, but through his own eyes as he saw the contrast between aristocrat and commoner in 16th-century France.
Or not.
No. 09 - London Fire
The blood of the just will commit a fault at London,
Burnt through lighting of twenty threes the six:
The ancient lady will fall from her high place,
Several of the same sect will be killed.
Look, just because you've never heard of the Great London Fire of 1666 doesn't mean it wasn't a really big deal.
It pretty much obliterated all of medieval London ("the ancient lady") within the old Roman walls. Only six deaths were recorded (hence "the six" in the second line), though commoners' deaths may not have been recorded at the time.
The fire, which started in a baker's shop, burned for three days straight. If only someone had passed along a copy of Nostadamus' book, maybe Londoners might have known it was coming
No. 08 - Princess Diana's Death
The penultimate of the surname of Prophet
Will take Diana [Thursday] for his day and rest:
He will wander because of a frantic head,
And delivering a great people from subjection.
OK, pay careful attention here: The father of Princess Diana's boyfriend, Dodi Al-Fayed, was named Mohamed ("the Prophet" - it wasn't his surname, but never mind that).
Did Diana's death deliver "a great people from subjection"? Maybe not, but we can all agree that the British are a great people, right? The fact alone that Diana's name is in the text speaks a lot to Nostradamus followers -- specific names are, in general, a rarity in Nostradamus' works
The cities of Tours, Orleans, Blois, Angers, Reims and Nantes
Are troubled by sudden change.
Tents will be pitched by (people) of foreign tongues;
Rivers, darts at Rennes, shaking of land and sea.
Did he really mean New Orleans? Hmm...The shaking of land and sea might describe the hurricane (well, the shaking of the sea would). Could the people with foreign tongues be aid workers from other parts of the world, or other parts of the country?
But what are Tours, Blois, Angers, Reims and Nantes doing there?
Pre-Katrina, this prophecy was originally thought to refer to France. Maybe it still should.
No. 06 - JFK & RFK Assassinations
The great man will be struck down in the day by a thunderbolt,
An evil deed foretold by the bearer of a petition.
According to the prediction, another falls at night time.
Conflict at Reims, London and a pestilence in Tuscany.
Thunderbolts and gunshots: not terribly dissimilar. And the great man was struck down in the day, as John F. Kennedy was. The other falling at nighttime would be Bobby Kennedy (five years later).
Now, it can work if you want it to, but do you really think a Secret Service agent reading that passage in November 1963 would have cause to be concerned?
Probably not.
And what of Reims, London and Tuscany?
No. 05 - Louis Pasteur
The lost thing is discovered, hidden for many centuries.
Pasteur will be celebrated almost as a God-like figure.
This is when the moon completes her great cycle,
But by other rumors he shall be dishonored.
Like many surnames, Louis Pasteur's probably once indicated a profession.
Pasteur, in French, could also mean pastor, so some argue that this bit of Nostradamian prose could just be about any old priest. Others call it a shout-out to the man who studied microbial decay, brought you spoilage-resistant milk and found a vaccine for rabies.
No one doubts he deserved the props. You be the judge.
No. 04 - Atomic Bomb
Near the gates and within two cities
There will be scourges the like of which was never seen,
Famine within plague, people put out by steel,
Crying to the great immortal God for relief.
OK, this one is hard to dispute.
Let's face it. It's an accurate description of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. "Scourges the like of which was never seen," people "crying to the great immortal God."
With that said, this verse is accurate because it cheats a bit on the specifics. Critics charge that it's so vague that it could also be used to describe a whole host of wartime atrocities during any of many wars that took place between Nostradamus' time in the 16th century and today ... or even the future.
No. 03 - . World War II/Hitler
The two greatest ones of Asia and of Africa,
From the Rhine and Lower Danube they will be said to have come,
Cries, tears at Malta and the Ligurian side.
Also ...
From the depths of the West of Europe,
A young child will be born of poor people,
He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop;
His fame will increase towards the realm of the East.
These two verses may in fact describe World War II and Hitler ... or not.
Was the most notable bit about Hitler his impoverished upbringing? What about the genocidal, megalomaniacal tendencies? Don't those deserve something?
Much of the talk of Nostradamus' prophecy of Hitler may come from his use, in the original text, of the Latin word "Hister" to describe the Danube.
Trust us, he was talking about a river, not a dictator: no self-respecting prophet would make such an egregious spelling error.
Twin –Tower Attack
Earthshaking fire from the center of the Earth
Will cause tremors around the New City.
Two great rocks will war for a long time,
Then Arethusa will redden a new river.
Well, two great rocks could be two towers, right? But would you say those towers were warring?
If you read this verse before Sept. 11, you might assume it referred to an earthquake or volcanic eruption. Earthshaking fire, tremors, rocks warring (in other words, continental plates colliding), but who really knows.
Back when Nostradamus wrote those lines, skyscrapers like the Twin Towers, jumbo jets like the ones that hit them and cities like modern-day New York were probably unthinkable and unimaginable, so if he foresaw these events, would he have even known what he was seeing?
No. 01 - The End of the World
Remember when the world was going to end in 1994?
What about 1998?
Or 2000?
The doomsayers always warn that Nostradamus said the world was going to end and he NEVER GOT ANYTHING WRONG.
These days, 2012's the trendiest day for end-of-world prophecies. Specifically, it's Dec. 21, 2012.
Believe it if you want. One thing is clear: Nostradamus himself wrote that his prophecies only went as far forward as the year 3797. Does that mean the world will end late in the 38th century? Only time will tell.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Useless Parts of our Body
No. 10 - Plica semilunaris (third eyelid)
No. 9 - Body Hair
No. 8 - Sinuses
No. 7 - Adenoids
No. 6 - Tonsils
No. 5 - Coccyx
No. 4 - Erector Pili
No. 3 - Wisdom Teeth
No. 2 - Appendix
No. 1 - Male Nipples
No. 9 - Body Hair
No. 8 - Sinuses
No. 7 - Adenoids
No. 6 - Tonsils
No. 5 - Coccyx
No. 4 - Erector Pili
No. 3 - Wisdom Teeth
No. 2 - Appendix
No. 1 - Male Nipples
Cultures that Practiced Human Sacrifice
This one is in no particular order.
10. Canaanites - 3500 - 1100 B.C. - "Canaanite" is an ancient term for what we now know as Israel, Lebanon, and parts of Syria and Jordan. Children were supposedly sacrificed to the god Moloch.
9. Aztecs - 500 A.D. - 1500 A.D. Sacrifice was an integral part of the religion of this Central Mexican group as well as others in Mesoamerica.
8. Etruscans - 800 - 100 B.C. Etruscans belonged to an ancient civilization in Italy between Florence and Rome. Their writings no longer exist, but their artwork shows evidence of human sacrifice.
7. Celts - 800 - 1 B.C. - Celtic sites throughout Europe show bodies with evidence of having been sacrificed. They also burned people alive in structures known as "Wicker Men."
6. Romans - 753 - 510 B.C. - A century before Julius Caesar, the Romans sacrificed criminals. Laws were considered handed down from the gods, so anyone who broke them was doomed to death.
5. Minoans - 2700 - 1450 B.C. - There has been evidence of human sacrifice in three different sites from this civilization on the island of Crete. In one site, it even looked like a sacrificial moment was interrupted by an earthquake.
4. Gauls - 700 - 500 B.C. - In roughly 50 BC, Julius Caesar wrote, in his Commentarii de Bello Gallico, that [The Gauls] believe that unless a man's life is paid for by another man's, the majesty of the immortal gods cannot be appeased [...].
3. Carthaginians - 300 - 140 B.C. - The Carthaginians of North Africa were disgusted by sacrificing their own children -- so they often bought children to sacrifice. However, in times of extreme crisis like war or drought, countless children of wealthy families would be sacrificed.
2. Scythians - 700 B.C. - A.D. 600 - Ancestors of modern-day Iranians, Scythians were excellent horsemen who, according to Greek historian Heroditus, also ate their enemies' flesh.
1. Chimu - 1000 A.D.- 1476 A.D. Not much is known about the Chimu civilization, though in 2002 the remains of over 200 fishermen were found -- the men had been bound and sacrificed.
Top 10 Accidental Inventions
No. 10 - Saccharin
Saccharin, the sweetener in the pink packet, was discovered because chemist Constantin Fahlberg didn't wash his hands after a day at the office.
prepare to get licked.The year was 1879 and Fahlberg was trying to come up with new and interesting uses for coal tar. After a productive day at the office, he went home and something strange happened.He noticed the rolls he was eating tasted particularly sweet. He asked his wife if she had done anything interesting to the rolls, but she hadn't. They tasted normal to her. Fahlberg realized the taste must have been coming from his hands -- which he hadn't washed.The next day he went back to the lab and started tasting his work until he found the sweet spot.
No. 9 - Smart Dust
Most people would be pretty upset if their homework blew up in their faces and crumbled into a bunch of tiny pieces.
Not so student Jamie Link. When Link was doing her doctoral work in chemistry at the University of California, San Diego, one of the silicon chips she was working on burst. She discovered afterward, however, that the tiny pieces still functioned as sensors.
The resulting "smart dust" won her the top prize at the Collegiate Inventors Competition in 2003. These teensy sensors can also be used to monitor the purity of drinking or seawater, to detect hazardous chemical or biological agents in the air, or even to locate and destroy tumor cells in the body
ah.. this is My favorite
No. 8 - Coke
There are many stories of accidentally invented food: the potato chip was born when cook George Crum (yes, really his name!) tried to silence a persnickety customer who kept sending French fries back to the kitchen for being soggy; Popsicles were invented when Frank Epperson left a drink outside in the cold overnight; and ice cream cones were invented at the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis.
But no food-venation has had as much success as Coke.
Atlanta pharmacist John Pemberton was trying to make a cure for headaches. He mixed together a bunch of ingredients -- and don't ask, because we don't know; The recipe is still a closely guarded secret. It only took eight years of being sold in a drug store before the drink was popular enough to be sold in bottles.
No. 7- Teflon
After all the damage they've done to the ozone layer, chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, are persona non grata. Back in the 1930s, however, they were (pardon the pun) the hot new thing in the science of refrigeration.
Young DuPont chemist Roy Plunkett was working to make a new a new kind of CFC. He had a theory that if he could get a compound called TFE to react with hydrochloric acid, he could produce the refrigerant he wanted.
So, to start his experiment Plunkett got a whole bunch of TFE gas, cooled it and pressured it in canisters so it could be stored until he was ready to use it. When the time came to open the container and put the TFE and hydrochloric acid together so they could react, nothing came out of the canister. The gas had disappeared.
Only it hadn't. Frustrated and angry, Plunkett took off the top of the canister and shook it. Out came some fine white flakes. Luckily for everyone who's ever made an omelet, he was intrigued by the flakes and handed them off to other scientists at DuPont.
No. 6 - Vulcanized Rubber
Charles Goodyear had been waiting years for a happy accident when it finally occurred.
Goodyear spent a decade finding ways to make rubber easier to work with while being resistant to heat and cold.
Nothing was having the effect he wanted.
One day he spilled a mixture of rubber, sulfur and lead onto a hot stove. The heat charred the mixture, but didn't ruin it. When Goodyear picked up the accident, he noticed that the mixture had hardened but was still quite usable.
At last! The breakthrough he had been waiting for! His vulcanized rubber is used in everything from tires, to shoes, to hockey pucks.
No. 5 - Plastic
In 1907 shellac was used as insulation in electronics. It was costing the industry a pretty penny to import shellac, which was made from Southeast Asian beetles, and at home chemist Leo Hendrik Baekeland thought he might turn a profit if he could produce a shellac alternative.
Instead his experiments yielded a moldable material that could take high temperatures without distorting.
Baekeland thought his "Bakelite" might be used for phonograph records, but it was soon clear that the product had thousands of uses. Today plastic, which was derived from Bakelite, is used for everything from telephones to iconic movie punch lines.
No. 4 - Radioactivity
Two words that you don't ever want to hear said in the same sentence are "Whoops!" and "radioactive." But in the case of physicist Henri Becquerel's surprise discovery, it was an accident that brought radioactivity to light.
Back in 1896 Becquerel was fascinated by two things: natural fluorescence and the newfangled X-ray. He ran a series of experiments to see if naturally fluorescent minerals produced X-rays after they had been left out in the sun.
One problem - he was doing these experiments in the winter, and there was one week with a long stretch of overcast skies. He left his equipment wrapped up together in a drawer and waited for a sunny day.
When he got back to work, Becquerel realized that the uranium rock he had left in the drawer had imprinted itself on a photographic plate without being exposed to sunlight first. There was something very special about that rock. Working with Marie and Pierre Curie, he discovered that that something was radioactivity.
No. 3 - Mauve
Talk about strange connections - 18-year-old chemist William Perkin wanted to cure malaria; instead his scientific endeavors changed the face of fashion forever and, oh yeah, helped fight cancer.
Confused? Don't be. Here's how it happened.
In 1856 Perkin was trying to come up with an artificial quinine. Instead of a malaria treatment, his experiments produced a thick murky mess. But the more he looked at it, the more Perkin saw a beautiful color in his mess. Turns out he had made the first-ever synthetic dye.
His dye was far better than any dyes that came from nature; the color was brighter, more vibrant, and didn't fade or wash out. His discovery also turned chemistry into a money-generating science - making it attractive for a whole generation of curious-minded people.
But the story is not over yet. One of the people inspired by Perkin's work was German bacteriologist Paul Ehrlich, who used Perkin's dyes to pioneer immunology and chemotherapy.
Last two is Life saving
No. 2 - Pacemaker
This list wouldn't be complete without at least one absent-minded professor. But it's not f lubber clocking in at No. 2, it's a life saving medical device. That pacemaker sewn into a loved one's chest actually came about because American engineer Wilson Greatbatch reached into a box and pulled out the wrong thing.
It's true. Greatbatch was working on making a circuit to help record fast heart sounds. He reached into a box for a resistor in order to finish the circuit and pulled out a 1-mega ohm resistor instead of a 10,000-ohm one.
The circuit pulsed for 1.8 milliseconds and then stopped for one second. Then it repeated. The sound was as old as man: a perfect heartbeat
No. 1 - Penicillin
You read this far into the list looking for penicillin, didn't you? That's OK. As one of the most famous and fortunate accidents of the 20th century, penicillin belongs at No. 1 on this list.
If you've been living under a rock for the past 80 years or so, here's how the popular story goes:
Alexander Fleming didn't clean up his workstation before going on vacation one day in 1928. When he came back, Fleming noticed that there was a strange fungus on some of his cultures. Even stranger was that bacteria didn't seem to thrive near those cultures.
Penicillin became the first and is still one of the most widely used antibiotics.
Saccharin, the sweetener in the pink packet, was discovered because chemist Constantin Fahlberg didn't wash his hands after a day at the office.
prepare to get licked.The year was 1879 and Fahlberg was trying to come up with new and interesting uses for coal tar. After a productive day at the office, he went home and something strange happened.He noticed the rolls he was eating tasted particularly sweet. He asked his wife if she had done anything interesting to the rolls, but she hadn't. They tasted normal to her. Fahlberg realized the taste must have been coming from his hands -- which he hadn't washed.The next day he went back to the lab and started tasting his work until he found the sweet spot.
No. 9 - Smart Dust
Most people would be pretty upset if their homework blew up in their faces and crumbled into a bunch of tiny pieces.
Not so student Jamie Link. When Link was doing her doctoral work in chemistry at the University of California, San Diego, one of the silicon chips she was working on burst. She discovered afterward, however, that the tiny pieces still functioned as sensors.
The resulting "smart dust" won her the top prize at the Collegiate Inventors Competition in 2003. These teensy sensors can also be used to monitor the purity of drinking or seawater, to detect hazardous chemical or biological agents in the air, or even to locate and destroy tumor cells in the body
ah.. this is My favorite
No. 8 - Coke
There are many stories of accidentally invented food: the potato chip was born when cook George Crum (yes, really his name!) tried to silence a persnickety customer who kept sending French fries back to the kitchen for being soggy; Popsicles were invented when Frank Epperson left a drink outside in the cold overnight; and ice cream cones were invented at the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis.
But no food-venation has had as much success as Coke.
Atlanta pharmacist John Pemberton was trying to make a cure for headaches. He mixed together a bunch of ingredients -- and don't ask, because we don't know; The recipe is still a closely guarded secret. It only took eight years of being sold in a drug store before the drink was popular enough to be sold in bottles.
No. 7- Teflon
After all the damage they've done to the ozone layer, chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, are persona non grata. Back in the 1930s, however, they were (pardon the pun) the hot new thing in the science of refrigeration.
Young DuPont chemist Roy Plunkett was working to make a new a new kind of CFC. He had a theory that if he could get a compound called TFE to react with hydrochloric acid, he could produce the refrigerant he wanted.
So, to start his experiment Plunkett got a whole bunch of TFE gas, cooled it and pressured it in canisters so it could be stored until he was ready to use it. When the time came to open the container and put the TFE and hydrochloric acid together so they could react, nothing came out of the canister. The gas had disappeared.
Only it hadn't. Frustrated and angry, Plunkett took off the top of the canister and shook it. Out came some fine white flakes. Luckily for everyone who's ever made an omelet, he was intrigued by the flakes and handed them off to other scientists at DuPont.
No. 6 - Vulcanized Rubber
Charles Goodyear had been waiting years for a happy accident when it finally occurred.
Goodyear spent a decade finding ways to make rubber easier to work with while being resistant to heat and cold.
Nothing was having the effect he wanted.
One day he spilled a mixture of rubber, sulfur and lead onto a hot stove. The heat charred the mixture, but didn't ruin it. When Goodyear picked up the accident, he noticed that the mixture had hardened but was still quite usable.
At last! The breakthrough he had been waiting for! His vulcanized rubber is used in everything from tires, to shoes, to hockey pucks.
No. 5 - Plastic
In 1907 shellac was used as insulation in electronics. It was costing the industry a pretty penny to import shellac, which was made from Southeast Asian beetles, and at home chemist Leo Hendrik Baekeland thought he might turn a profit if he could produce a shellac alternative.
Instead his experiments yielded a moldable material that could take high temperatures without distorting.
Baekeland thought his "Bakelite" might be used for phonograph records, but it was soon clear that the product had thousands of uses. Today plastic, which was derived from Bakelite, is used for everything from telephones to iconic movie punch lines.
No. 4 - Radioactivity
Two words that you don't ever want to hear said in the same sentence are "Whoops!" and "radioactive." But in the case of physicist Henri Becquerel's surprise discovery, it was an accident that brought radioactivity to light.
Back in 1896 Becquerel was fascinated by two things: natural fluorescence and the newfangled X-ray. He ran a series of experiments to see if naturally fluorescent minerals produced X-rays after they had been left out in the sun.
One problem - he was doing these experiments in the winter, and there was one week with a long stretch of overcast skies. He left his equipment wrapped up together in a drawer and waited for a sunny day.
When he got back to work, Becquerel realized that the uranium rock he had left in the drawer had imprinted itself on a photographic plate without being exposed to sunlight first. There was something very special about that rock. Working with Marie and Pierre Curie, he discovered that that something was radioactivity.
No. 3 - Mauve
Talk about strange connections - 18-year-old chemist William Perkin wanted to cure malaria; instead his scientific endeavors changed the face of fashion forever and, oh yeah, helped fight cancer.
Confused? Don't be. Here's how it happened.
In 1856 Perkin was trying to come up with an artificial quinine. Instead of a malaria treatment, his experiments produced a thick murky mess. But the more he looked at it, the more Perkin saw a beautiful color in his mess. Turns out he had made the first-ever synthetic dye.
His dye was far better than any dyes that came from nature; the color was brighter, more vibrant, and didn't fade or wash out. His discovery also turned chemistry into a money-generating science - making it attractive for a whole generation of curious-minded people.
But the story is not over yet. One of the people inspired by Perkin's work was German bacteriologist Paul Ehrlich, who used Perkin's dyes to pioneer immunology and chemotherapy.
Last two is Life saving
No. 2 - Pacemaker
This list wouldn't be complete without at least one absent-minded professor. But it's not f lubber clocking in at No. 2, it's a life saving medical device. That pacemaker sewn into a loved one's chest actually came about because American engineer Wilson Greatbatch reached into a box and pulled out the wrong thing.
It's true. Greatbatch was working on making a circuit to help record fast heart sounds. He reached into a box for a resistor in order to finish the circuit and pulled out a 1-mega ohm resistor instead of a 10,000-ohm one.
The circuit pulsed for 1.8 milliseconds and then stopped for one second. Then it repeated. The sound was as old as man: a perfect heartbeat
No. 1 - Penicillin
You read this far into the list looking for penicillin, didn't you? That's OK. As one of the most famous and fortunate accidents of the 20th century, penicillin belongs at No. 1 on this list.
If you've been living under a rock for the past 80 years or so, here's how the popular story goes:
Alexander Fleming didn't clean up his workstation before going on vacation one day in 1928. When he came back, Fleming noticed that there was a strange fungus on some of his cultures. Even stranger was that bacteria didn't seem to thrive near those cultures.
Penicillin became the first and is still one of the most widely used antibiotics.
The Lost Tomb of Jesus(Discovery Features)
Has the tomb of Jesus Christ been found?
Since the 1970s, hundreds of tombs and thousands of ossuaries (limestone bone boxes) have been discovered in the Jerusalem area. These ossuaries served as coffins in first-century Jerusalem.
One of these tombs was found to contain ten ossuaries. Six of the ossuaries in this tomb have inscriptions on them. As it turns out, every inscription in this particular tomb relates to the Gospels.
In the feature documentary The Lost Tomb of Jesus a case is made that the 2,000-year-old "Tomb of the Ten Ossuaries" belonged to the family of Jesus of Nazareth.
All leading epigraphers agree about the inscriptions. All archaeologists confirm the nature of the find. It comes down to a matter of statistics. A statistical study commissioned by the broadcasters (Discovery Channel/Vision Canada/C4 UK) concludes that the probability factor is in the order of 600 to 1 that an equally "surprising" cluster of names would arise purely by chance under given assumptions. The film also documents DNA extraction from human residue found in two of the ossuaries and reveals new evidence that throws light on Jesus' relationship with Mary Magdalene.
The documentary includes dramatic recreations, based on the latest historical evidence, illustrating accurate images of Jesus of Nazareth, his family, his followers, his ministry, his crucifixion and his entombment.
Simcha Jacobovici entering the reopened tomb
Part archaeological adventure, part Biblical history, part forensic science, part theological controversy: this is a story that will be carried around the world.
The executive producer of The Lost Tomb of Jesus is Academy award winning filmmaker, James Cameron. The producers are award winning filmmakers Felix Golubev and Ric Esther Bienstock. The director is Emmy award winning documentarian, Simcha Jacobovici
Read MOre
Since the 1970s, hundreds of tombs and thousands of ossuaries (limestone bone boxes) have been discovered in the Jerusalem area. These ossuaries served as coffins in first-century Jerusalem.
One of these tombs was found to contain ten ossuaries. Six of the ossuaries in this tomb have inscriptions on them. As it turns out, every inscription in this particular tomb relates to the Gospels.
In the feature documentary The Lost Tomb of Jesus a case is made that the 2,000-year-old "Tomb of the Ten Ossuaries" belonged to the family of Jesus of Nazareth.
All leading epigraphers agree about the inscriptions. All archaeologists confirm the nature of the find. It comes down to a matter of statistics. A statistical study commissioned by the broadcasters (Discovery Channel/Vision Canada/C4 UK) concludes that the probability factor is in the order of 600 to 1 that an equally "surprising" cluster of names would arise purely by chance under given assumptions. The film also documents DNA extraction from human residue found in two of the ossuaries and reveals new evidence that throws light on Jesus' relationship with Mary Magdalene.
The documentary includes dramatic recreations, based on the latest historical evidence, illustrating accurate images of Jesus of Nazareth, his family, his followers, his ministry, his crucifixion and his entombment.
Part archaeological adventure, part Biblical history, part forensic science, part theological controversy: this is a story that will be carried around the world.
The executive producer of The Lost Tomb of Jesus is Academy award winning filmmaker, James Cameron. The producers are award winning filmmakers Felix Golubev and Ric Esther Bienstock. The director is Emmy award winning documentarian, Simcha Jacobovici
Read MOre
Apple iPad to go on sale in late April
British consumers will be able to buy both the Wi-Fi only and Wi-Fi and 3G versions of the device in late April, Apple confirmed. The launch date is slightly later than anticipated, but analysts have been warning that unspecified "manufacturing problems" could lead to some delays.
US shoppers will be able to buy the Wi-Fi only model on April 3, with the Wi-Fi and 3G model available later in the month. They can start pre-ordering the devices online and in-store from March 12.
“The iPad is something completely new,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s chief executive. “We’re excited for customers to get their hands on this magical and revolutionary product and connect with their apps and content in a more intimate, intuitive and fun way than ever before.”
The iPad, which has a 10in touch-screen, can be used to browse the web, listen to music, and watch movies, as well as download apps and read electronic books, magazines and newspapers.
Apple is yet to announce UK pricing for the range of devices, but the entry-level model will cost $499 in the United States. However, the Wi-Fi only, 16GB iPad is expected to be priced around £389 when it goes on sale in the UK, according to anonymous sources close to Apple and its partners.
Rare orchid found in Britain after being declared extinct
The ghost orchid was officially declared extinct in Britain in 2005, with the last sighting recorded in Buckinghamshire in 1986.
Now the wildflower - a pale plant with no leaves - has been found in an oak wood in Herefordshire.

The sighting, made last autumn but initially kept secret, has been described as ''wonderful news'' by the botanical community.
Trevor Dines, of conservation charity Plant life, said: ''The rediscovery of a single ghost orchid is wonderful news - and gives us hope that this delicate species is not gone for ever.
''However, just as one swallow doesn't make a summer, one ghost orchid doesn't constitute a viable long-term population of a species, which has now been re-classified by the Vascular Plants Species Status Assessment Group as critically endangered.''
The orchid, which flowers between June and October, grows to 25cm (10in) tall and was traditionally found in deep leaf litter.
But numbers plummeted through a combination of its natural habitat being depleted and the use of herbicides and pesticides.
''Applying the extinct label is almost always difficult because plants can turn up later from seed or following better surveys of suitable sites - it's easy to tell if large mammals are extinct but not small plants that appear only sporadically,'' said Dr Dines.
''This is especially true of ghost orchid but plants declined at the last known site in Buckinghamshire from 25 plants in 1953 to five in 1986 - and it had not been seen at any of its previously-known sites since then.''
Plant life used the ghost orchid as the symbol of its conservation campaign, aimed at preventing the loss of wild flowers.
The manifesto was launched in September - the same month that the plant was rediscovered but before the find was made public.
Now the wildflower - a pale plant with no leaves - has been found in an oak wood in Herefordshire.
The sighting, made last autumn but initially kept secret, has been described as ''wonderful news'' by the botanical community.
Trevor Dines, of conservation charity Plant life, said: ''The rediscovery of a single ghost orchid is wonderful news - and gives us hope that this delicate species is not gone for ever.
''However, just as one swallow doesn't make a summer, one ghost orchid doesn't constitute a viable long-term population of a species, which has now been re-classified by the Vascular Plants Species Status Assessment Group as critically endangered.''
The orchid, which flowers between June and October, grows to 25cm (10in) tall and was traditionally found in deep leaf litter.
But numbers plummeted through a combination of its natural habitat being depleted and the use of herbicides and pesticides.
''Applying the extinct label is almost always difficult because plants can turn up later from seed or following better surveys of suitable sites - it's easy to tell if large mammals are extinct but not small plants that appear only sporadically,'' said Dr Dines.
''This is especially true of ghost orchid but plants declined at the last known site in Buckinghamshire from 25 plants in 1953 to five in 1986 - and it had not been seen at any of its previously-known sites since then.''
Plant life used the ghost orchid as the symbol of its conservation campaign, aimed at preventing the loss of wild flowers.
The manifesto was launched in September - the same month that the plant was rediscovered but before the find was made public.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Mode Gakuen Spiral Towers
and this is doesn’t get much superior than these dramatic Mode-Gakuen Spiral tower in Nagoya, Japan
. This gleaming towers twisting 36 stories above the eventful streets of Nagoya and house instructive services for three dissimilar discipline in three tapering ‘wings’ used in fashion design and a medical support. Nikken Sekkei is a best architect collection and incorporated a host of environmental features in the towers counting a double-glassed air flow window system and a usual air ventilation scheme.
This green building that can be confront in major city area due to significant political, and practical hurdles and the double-glassed aeration structure in Spiral Towers is surely a step in correct path. Though positively not latest that a typical double-glassed air flow system considerably reduces heat and cool loads by transitory indoor and outdoor air between two panes of glass.
And the spiral towers show quite unstable from street, actually their basic construction is simple and a strong inner truss tube act as a middle pillar supporting three and gently reduction wings. And this truss tube is constructing of concrete-filled, steel tubular column with structural braces affix around base and the entire construction is fitted with some of the most robust seismic engineering in region



This is a best architect
. This gleaming towers twisting 36 stories above the eventful streets of Nagoya and house instructive services for three dissimilar discipline in three tapering ‘wings’ used in fashion design and a medical support. Nikken Sekkei is a best architect collection and incorporated a host of environmental features in the towers counting a double-glassed air flow window system and a usual air ventilation scheme.
This green building that can be confront in major city area due to significant political, and practical hurdles and the double-glassed aeration structure in Spiral Towers is surely a step in correct path. Though positively not latest that a typical double-glassed air flow system considerably reduces heat and cool loads by transitory indoor and outdoor air between two panes of glass.
And the spiral towers show quite unstable from street, actually their basic construction is simple and a strong inner truss tube act as a middle pillar supporting three and gently reduction wings. And this truss tube is constructing of concrete-filled, steel tubular column with structural braces affix around base and the entire construction is fitted with some of the most robust seismic engineering in region
This is a best architect
Solar Powered Student Tower
This is new architect solar power student tower are providing unique and best conceptual technology and design and this architect solar power student tower is much reliable and based on high advance technology and it’s different from another architect design. And this architect solar power student tower is show more advance and comfortable future just likes more space area, climate and interior and exterior design. Actually 2011 the city of WEBBLEY will have a growth latest student housing tower architect by solar panels and this is situated close to WEBBLEY Stadium and that is a multi countrywide tower designed by London-based CZWG will include 435 scholar quarters.The solar-powered overlook is part of an intended redevelopment that will help renew and enhance the local urban scenery. And the unique plan for the student housing tower was supposedly turned down by the local preparation inspector until sufficient change were made to architect design. Now the latest design has been established and is well traditional.
And the local inspector said, “The proposed building is of an outstanding architectural and urban design quality.”
“It would create an attractive landmark enhancing the Stadium environs as well as the Capital”
And CZWG is said, “We are very happy for our client who had backed good design over expediency to resolve the issues on this key site"


And the local inspector said, “The proposed building is of an outstanding architectural and urban design quality.”
“It would create an attractive landmark enhancing the Stadium environs as well as the Capital”
And CZWG is said, “We are very happy for our client who had backed good design over expediency to resolve the issues on this key site"
New Architect Golden sand Dune-Inspired Design
This is a latest conceptual design are showing best unique technology based design from another architect and this architect design is very expensive from another architect design because this is representing best unique conceptual future just like a luxury part of designing, new climate, big space and many more. And this golden sand dune-inspired construction begin to get design as Foster + Partners newly broke opinion upon their UAE exhibition area for 2010 Shanghai Expo.
And a cabinet of reactive ecological design and the exhibition area create a representative position with the wasteland scenery over which every of the seven emirates preside. As if model by current wind, the pavilion mimics the duality between violent and luxury side of a sand dune though creation the mainly of its site and the northern facade allow in usual glow to clean during its permeable organization, while the southern front is with this to decrease heat penetration through the display. I like this golden sand dune-inspired architect design because this design is representing best new conceptual technology and architect design and whole design for this architect is really very luxury and looking extra amazing design, but this golden sand dune-inspired design is very expensive because construction investment is very high.
The World’s First Electrical Digital Superbike
This is the amazing Superbike it is fastest run on road you can easily drive this bike anywhere it has great features such as up to 120mph in just 7-8 seconds without leaving any carbon footprint it is loaded with 10 battery packs and hopefully win in world's first zero emissions road race and three motors to participate.
This is the amazing model bike I really like this bike I have a great passion of bike it looks attractive it has except for the apparent iPhone on the console.
bike Introducing The Worlds First Electrical Digital SuperbikeThis is the amazing fastest running bike you can easily go anywhere. I have seen lots of latest bikes in market I like to bike ridding with my friends like to go for long drive it has great capacity of battery life optimistically win in world’s first zero emissions road race.
The shape and design of this bike looks attractive you feel comfortable. In market I have seen lots of latest bikes in market but this one is great bike I really like it the color of this car
is super it looks attractive!
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